♥ fachiQue : in a world of her own ♥
“ I’m so myself & I do random things. “

Farhanah. eighteen. 121190.




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x dude, so u think u r perfect? Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:03 AM
i had a chaotic wrecking time that just got me busy for months.
but i just don't get things done and over with and not learn a thing
out of it. sometimes as you grow up, you feel like you just wanna
get over the past and you seem to feel like you've learn alot already.
But you know what, even if you have learn a million zillion things
in ur life, you just realize you are still learning.

I don't get people who went ' fana, kau da 19 la.'
But i do what is right which is to just shut up.
Because i know that even if im 19, it doesn't mean that
i should already know everything.
different people learn different things with what experiences they already had.
I see people trying to criticize me this and that.
But you know, i spot their mistakes afterall.

Saying i am "world" but hey so are you.
Trying to put all the blame on me.
You know, orang kate ehk kau peh org tkle buat tangkisnye la.
Don't even know how risky it is to blurt "everything" out?
It's funny how you wanna put all the blame on me
when you know there are other things that you didnt say
because you wanna save your cousins balls..?
Come on la. You wanna say everything out just say..
why try to cover? and still got the cheeks to deny things you are wrong for..
And what's more to use " aku mabok pe. aku tak tau ape aku bobal".
Klau kau tak tau jage diri time mabok, tkmo mabokkan diri.
Pasal gara2 mabok bole jadi hal besar tau tak.

Mentang2 da cukop umor.. kirekan kau pk kau manenye mane..
u get drunk doesnt mean you can say what u wanna like u own the world..
in reality, it doesnt work that way.
da lepas tu hal tkmo nak bobal cam phm ehk..
the people who are there is only the four of us.
But the ones who sees eye to eye bringing all the tension
is only the three of us. don't talk cock la dey..
bobal da gagap beh lepas hal tu bilang org2 laen
mcm kau manenye mane tah dlm tu hal..
tkmo WORLD la ehk kt sini.. aku lagy da cukop ngn kaunye prangai..

aku memang salah at least aku admit.
i face the music. but UNLIKE you ok..
and i did not criticize anyone or talk cock abt anyone in that hal..
i only say what's the fact..
And trying to say kwn aku da cukop ngn aku gini2..
bile tk ngn mataer carik krg..
well i do have my own mistakes..
everyone does..even my friends does..

what i know that others shouldn't know,
i keep it to myself. Like i say, everyone has their own mistakes.
aku tk bynk cerewetnye org la. kwn aku sala cam mane pn,
aku ok go.bole buat tangkis. psl ape psl kwnnye psl.
bukan nak kate jiwe ke ape kepepek.
i dont want my mouth to open to others that will create
problems for them.. all i do is advice and support them as a friend.
mcm kau tu, tkmo pk kau manenye perfect kt sini.
there r things that u dont noe that people do talk abt u.
drg nak bobal blkg aku, aku tk psl la.
tapi niat aku jadi kwn drg ikhlas. psl da lame aku knl drg.
mmg kdg2 aku ngn kwn2 aku bbl blkg each other..
but we always have a mutual understanding btwn all of us.

Haiz. cukopla ehk..
I have alot of serious goals this year.
just gonna be one heck of a bz year for me den..