♥ fachiQue : in a world of her own ♥
“ I’m so myself & I do random things. “

Farhanah. eighteen. 121190.




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weird conversations & lines Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:54 AM
Talking about weird lines and conversations..
and we were laughing over it all on the phone with my friends..

I just don't get it, you know. Those lines that are not part of the dictionary and
combining 2 words together and make it seem cool or something.

Like when im out with Faiz and he says..
"Chill chill apple ah u.."
(Dalam hati ape siak chill chill apple..and so i was sarcastic and say..)
"Abeh u..chill chill strawberry ah"
(He gave me a huh? face and say..)
" Ape mepek sei chill chill strawberry.u mepek sak u.."
(And i gave him a frustrated look and say)
"abeh u chill chill apple..mepek jugak kn..sape sei ajar u nie sume"
(And he say..)
"enta kwn2 ite i ckp gitu cam cool gitu.."
(ah gasak kau la cool ke tak..sumpah mepek!)

And i keep on getting frustrated being in conversations with guys..
and here u will know why..
(Faiz called me and ask ..)
" u ktne nie?"
" i kt block i la.."
" huh!?! block r? "
" block i la pekak "
" huh?? block r? block r kat mane sei? "
" BLOCK I la BLOCK I ! "
" block i? "
" alamak..si dek ni ehk.. BLOCK FARHANAH OK..BLOCK FARHANAH! "
" Block farha...? oh block u...cakap la block u.."
" i da ckp pe..eh tkpe ehk..tkpe2.."

And i had the most annoying conversation with this guy whom ill refer to as "Y".
i knew him from tagged but i use my fax machine to call him.
dont wanna have him contacting me back again ya noe..
it's like " im bored. and this a one time conversation between us."

(And so we were talking about umor brape..)
Y: u... umor... bra..pe?
F: im 18. n u?
Y: im 19 diz yr..
F: oh same la tu. bdae biler?
Y: oct 25th..u?
F: november.. so i youngerr than u la nie..haha!
Y: huh......tkla...i.. younger..
F: huh..bdae october pe..i younger la..tau tk bulan2 u?
Y: huh..i..younger.. la..
F: huh? u mean u born 1991?
Y: ahhhh..takla..i younger pe..betol..pe..
F: giler ehk..i younger la..
Y: i la..young..er....eh jap?..younger maksod ape?
F: younger maksod lagi mude la..
Y: oh...ok2..kirekan..older..lagi..tue la..nie..
F: huh...ermm yar..durh...
Y: oh..k2..i older..betol2...
( This is HISTORY! he is 18 and he is a dumb and a ass and doesnt know the definition of younger!?! )
( and FYI the reason why i put alot of ....in his speeches are because he talk liddat..nak cakap word susah..i was almost sleeping everytime he finishes his sentence..)

(and the phone conversation continues..and it started to get worst)
Y: asal..ah..u ..potong..rambot..
F: ok pe potong gini..cute wad..
Y: ah u..potong...rambot..ah..da..tk..lawa..sgt ah..
F: ok wad..inye suke ah..
Y: ok la..ahh..orang kate..ape..ah..laen..orang..ah laen..ahh.........ape tu...ah...style
(ckp style pn susa pe..padehal taste eh bukan style..haha..)
(and the phone conversation continues and he start getting melebeh and on my nerves)

Y: u?
F: ape la??
Y: eh..tkya marah...ah..
F: huh..mane ade..
Y: i..tak suke tau...u marah2 ..cam gini..
F: huh?
Y: nanti i marah..u tak suke tau..tkmo..pekek2..i tak suke..nanti..i ..pekek..nanti gado..susah tau..
F: huh..ah ok..
( i just yerkan whatever he say..sumpah da start malas..and yet the worst to come)

(conversation topic is on : jodoh)
F: i tengok my ex sume bynk matrep sei..haiz..
Y: huh..betol ke..but..u look..mcm yg suke..bdk..rilek2..
F: yela..tk semestinye..tapi yg i dpt sume matrep..
Y: mane..tau jodoh..
F: what!?! JODOH NGAN MATREP..what do u mean?
Y: tak..mane..tau jodoh..ngn i..
(eh ok bye..! sumpah tk kene mengene..)

(last part of conversation..finally!)

(silent for a moment)
Y: B...i tak suke tau!..senyap2...cam..gini..tkmo..senyap2 la..nanti i marah..kan susah..
F: huh? ah yela2..i da ngantok la..tu psl...
(dah tk thn buat alasan pn bagos..ahaha..what an ass..and no wonder he speak that way..rupernyer stayback 3 kali PSLE..)

how i did survive the whole conversation..i really don't know.
orang2 ginila yang aku tk tau ape nak bbl susa nk bbl..
da bagos aku nak try fikir camne nak bbl the simplest form..
first call and he called me b and talk as if we are together..
like wtf! and his ahhh..and erm..and saying one sentence takes like forever..
wah..lagi tk tahan..haha..just 2 words for him..2 words..:Ok Bye!